While playing type in "GAS". The sound will go off. Now press 'S' to get the sound back on again, and you will suddenly be about 10 metres from the target gas station. Press 'T' now for real time and score.
If you do this before you even move it will work, and you will have an average speed of about 3300 mph. However due to the way the scoring system is done, if you have a speed that is this high, you will actually score negative points. This brings your score down! So do this cheat somewhere in the middle of the stage if you want to achieve maximum points.
During play type any of the following:
"OUTRAN" --------- puts you ahead of the other cars
"AERF" -------------------- gives you an extra life
"AERTH" ------- for better braking and acceleration
"GASS" --------- this brings you to the gas station
"GASST" - jump to the gas station with average time
"BRUCE" - changes the sign on level 2 from "Play Grand
Prix Circuit" to " Bruce Dawson Wrote This"